Tuesday, April 29, 2008

the cell phone project

the premise is deliciously simple, and the results have been delightful so far. I am attempting to write an anecdote or true short story about every person that makes an appearance in my cell phone directory. so far I haven't been going in alphabetical order, but I may switch that up just to bolster the challenge a bit. I borrowed this idea from an old friend of mine, a certain bobby burgess, with whom I have spent loads of time in the past 6 years swapping stories. you can find his work on his website.

I don't think I'll be posting them on myspace as some of the subject matter may not be suitable for my brother's girlfriend's little sister, etc, etc. (that's what myspace has become for me. ay caramba.) so, this is the new blog. a log a ding dong.

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